General Inquiries
Please send email to: msharris {@} msharrismathclass {dot} {com}.

1) How will I receive my product(s)?

Upon completing your transaction via PayPal, you will immediately receive an email with a link to download your product{s}.

2) For whom are your products created?
Our products, though initially created to be used in the classroom teacher-led, are for teachers, parents and students.  Answer keys are included with all products to assist students and parents on their quest for math excellence.

3) I’m a teacher and would like to share a product I used with others.  May I?
We are thrilled that you are pleased with our products, however, copyright excludes sharing products that were purchased with one license.  Please direct your co-workers to our website to purchase products on their own. 

4) I’m a department head and would like to purchase your product(s) for multiple teachers on my team.  How should I proceed?
Thank you for your interest in using our products in your department.  Please complete the contact form on our consultation page detailing your specific need, and we’ll reply an invoice discounting the purchase of multiple licenses and downloads.

5) Do you create custom products?
Gladly!  Please complete the contact form on our consultation page and include the following:
       for unit notes packets:                         for assessments:
        1) standard(s)                                1) standard(s)
       2) previous unit taught                        2) desired number of questions
We will follow up via email with quote and date product(s) will be available.

6) I’m looking for suggestions on how to teach a certain standard.  Will you assist me?
Absolutely! We created 
teach sheets™ to meet this exact need.  Teach Sheets™ include detailed explanations on how to frame and teach specific concepts/standards as well as a student worksheet for you to hone students’ comprehension of said concept.  If we’ve yet to create a teach sheet™ for the standard you’re teaching, please complete the contact form on our consultation page.  We will promptly reply with a quote and create one to meet your specific need.

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